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Mensaje  Laia Mar Nov 18, 2008 10:48 am

Rosseau: Bernat Gonzalez (english), ? (French), Adrià Soler.

Jefferson: Bernat Padullés, Irene Torres.

Nelson Mandela: Martí Gómez, Carmen Martínez.

Gandhi: Roger Sastre, Noor Yousfan.

Aung San Suu Kyi: Marta Solanas, Silvia Temprado.


Cantidad de envíos : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2008


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Mensaje  Laia Jue Dic 04, 2008 11:58 pm

Thomas Jefferson

My name is Thomas Jefferson and people know me as one of the main writers of the Declaration of Independence of the USA.

I was born in 1743 in Albemarle County in Virginia. When I was nine I started learning Latin, classic Greek and French because I liked languages a lot.

I was a lawyer between the years 1768 and 1773, managing more than one hundred cases each year.

I was marked as one of the most thoughtful patriot spokesmen, because in some occasions I argued alone against the Parliament.

I was the leader of the committee chosen to prepare the Declaration of Independence. I was selected by the committee to prepare the first draft. I showed my draft to the committee, which made some final revisions, and then we presented it to Congress on June 28, 1776. After taking out a fourth of my original text it was approved on the July 4, 1776. After being Governor of Virginia, Delegate from Virginia to The Congress of the Confederation and United States Ambassador to France, I arrived to the United States Secretary of State in 1789. When George Washington left the presidency, John Adams became the new President, and I was his vice-president. After four more years, I became the 3rd President of The United States. I left the Presidency in 1809, but I didn’t leave my political life. I died on the 4th July, 1826, being the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

Irene Torres C

Bernat Padullés A


Cantidad de envíos : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2008


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Mensaje  Laia Mar Dic 09, 2008 10:55 pm


- Bonjour! Je m’appelle Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Je suis né le 28 juin 1712 à Genève dans une famille calviniste. Je suis écrivain, philosophe et musicien. J’écris en langue française.

Je suis l’un des plus illustres philosophes du Siècle des Lumières. Mes travaux ont influencé grandement l’esprit révolutionnaire français. J’ai été précepteur, valet, secrétaire d’ambassade à Venise, copiste et surtout homme de lettres. J’ai publié des traités de philosophie, de politique, d’éducation, de morale et des romans.

À Paris, entre 1742 et 1743, j’élabore un système de notation musicale.

En 1750, la gloire m’arrive avec Les discours sur les sciences et les arts où je présente le thème central de ma philosophie. L’homme naît naturellement bon et heureux, c’est la société qui le corrompt et le rend malheureux.

En 1762, j’écris le Contrat social. J’expose avec clarté que la seule forme de pouvoir politique légitime est le pouvoir qui trouve son fondement dans la volonté du peuple. Je suis considéré comme le principal inspirateur des idées de la Révolution Française. Le Parlement de Paris interdit mes deux ouvrages, Le Contrat social et Émile ou De l’Éducation.

Je crois que la politique doit être un contrat social entre hommes libres.

« sois juste et tu seras heureux. »

Última edición por Laia el Mar Dic 09, 2008 11:53 pm, editado 1 vez


Cantidad de envíos : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2008


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Mensaje  Laia Mar Dic 09, 2008 10:56 pm

Olympe de Gouges se dirige à Thomas Jefferson

« Homme, es-tu capable d'être juste ? C'est une femme qui t'en fait la question ; tu ne lui ôteras pas du moins ce droit. Dis-moi ? Qui t'a donné le souverain empire d'opprimer mon sexe ? Ta force ? Tes talents ? Observe le créateur dans sa sagesse ; parcours la nature dans toute sa grandeur, dont tu sembles vouloir te rapprocher, et donne-moi, si tu l'oses, l'exemple de cet empire tyrannique. »

« La femme a le droit de monter sur l’échafaud ; elle doit avoir également celui de monter à la Tribune. »

Je m’appelle Olympe de Gouges, je suis née à Montauban le 7 mai 1743.

J’ai écrit la Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne et de nombreux écrits en faveur des droits civils et politiques des femmes et de l’abolition de l’esclavage des Noirs.

En 1983, Jacques Chirac n’accepte pas qu’on m’enterre au Panthéon de Paris à côté de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire… Au XXe siècle nous sommes encore invisibles ?

L'inscription : Aux grands hommes, la Patrie reconnaissante a été prise jusqu'ici au pied de la lettre. Seules deux femmes y séjournent ; la première admise, par ordre chronologique, a été Sophie Berthelot, non à titre personnel mais pour ne pas la séparer de son mari, le chimiste Marcellin Berthelot ; la seconde, Marie Curie, deux fois prix Nobel. Denise Brial, cinéaste féministe, qualifie le Panthéon de "tombeau du patriarcat".

« La femme a le droit de monter sur l’échafaud ; elle doit avoir également celui de monter à la Tribune. » La première, elle obtint que les femmes fussent admises dans une cérémonie à caractère national, « la fête de la loi » du 3 juin 1792 puis à la commémoration de la prise de la Bastille le 14 juillet 1792.

Última edición por Laia el Mar Dic 09, 2008 11:52 pm, editado 1 vez


Cantidad de envíos : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2008


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Mensaje  Laia Mar Dic 09, 2008 10:58 pm


Hi! I’m Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Gandhi for friends! I was born in Porbandar (India) in the 2nd of October, 1869. My childhood wasn’t very hard because my father was the first minister of Porbandar. I left school when I was 12 and when I was 13 I got married with Kasturbai Nakanji. When I finished my wedding my father died and I decided to get back studies and study medicine. But then, my brother died and I started studying law. I studied in some countries of Europe and when I finished, I returned to India.
I started then to fight with Indian people against British people. I was always pacific, never violent. I created the congress team and I was numbered president of that.
In 1931 I signed the Delhi’s pact and I reclaimed the independency of India. I went to prison a lots of times. I wanted the independence of India and I got it. Now India and Pakistan are different states.
I suffered a lot of terrorist attacks but the 30th of January, 1948 I was killed by shooting by Nathuram Godsé, an extremist Hindu. But I’m proud of what I’ve done in my country and now Nathuram Godsé is dead too.

Noor Yousfan C
Roger Sastre A


Cantidad de envíos : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2008


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Mensaje  Laia Mar Dic 09, 2008 10:58 pm

Aung San suu Kyi

My name is Aung San Suu Kyi I was born on June 19th, 1945 . My father was a Burma's independence hero who died when I was two years old.
I was educated in Burma, India, and the United Kingdom.
In 1988, while I was living in London, I returned to Burma to nurse my dying mother. There I was plunged into the country's nationwide uprising that had just begun. Joining the newly-forming National League for Democracy political party, I gave numerous speeches calling for freedom and democracy. The military regime responded to the uprising with brute force, shooting and otherwise killing up to 10,000 demonstrators in a mater of months. Unable to maintain its grip on power, the regime was forced to call for a general election in 1990.
As I began to campaign for the NLD, I and many others were detained by the regime. Despite being held under house arrest, the NLD went on to win a staggering 82% of the seats in parliament. But the regime never recognized the results.
I have been in and out of arrest ever since. From 1989 to 1995, and again from 2000 to 2002. I have moved from prison back into house arrest in late 2003 and I’ve been held there ever since.
I’ve won a numerous international awards including the nobel peace prize in 1991. But there are causes for which struggle, so please use your liberty to promote ours.

Marta Solanas B
Sílvia Temprado C


Cantidad de envíos : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2008


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Mensaje  Laia Mar Dic 09, 2008 10:59 pm


Hi, my name’s Nelson Mandela I was born on the 18th July 1918 and I was the first black president chosen by democratic South Africa.

I spent 27 years of my life in prison because I was against apartheid. It was a very hard experience because in those times prisons were very dirty and old and there were fights between prisoners every day.
I was one of the leaders of ANC and I supported the dialogue but I went to prison because I made violent acts to defend freedom. Violence was always the last source but we made pacifist manifestations and the police acted violently with us so we started to act violently. The National Party condemned me and other activists to prison.

In that time I became symbol for coloured people in my country.

When the foreign countries noticed about my chase, they tried to take me out of prison but the politicians of South Africa didn’t allow it.
The Global pressure became bigger and bigger so finally Willem de Klerk let me go out of prison and I treated with him the firsts Democratic elections with universal suffrage. I won those elections and Willem de Klerk and I won the Nobel Prize, because we stopped apartheid and all coloured people in South Africa could vote for first time in their lives.

When I came out from prison, there were thousands of people singing to me ‘Nkosisikeleli Africa’.
I’ve been married twice and I have six children.

In four years I had more than a hundred of prices for my work against racism.

In South Africa, the people know me as Madiba or mkhulu that means grandfather.

Martí Gómez Rosselló A
Carme Martínez Fernández A


Cantidad de envíos : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2008


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Mensaje  Adrià Solé C Miér Dic 10, 2008 10:44 pm

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Hello people,
My name is Jean-Jacques Rousseau, I was born in Geneva on 1712.

I was a major Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of the Enlightenment.
My political philosophy influenced the French Revolution and the development of liberal, conservative, and socialist theory.
With my Confessions, Reveries of a Solitary Walker, and other writings, I invented modern autobiography and encouraged a new focus on the building of subjectivity that bore fruit in the work of thinkers as diverse as Hegel and Freud.

My novel Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse was one of the best-selling fictional works of the eighteenth century and of great importance to the development of romanticism.
I also made important contributions to music as a theorist and a composer, and I was reburied alongside other French national heroes in the Panthéon in Paris.

I died in Ermenonville on 2 July 1778.

Adrià Solé C
Adrià Solé C

Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 28/10/2008

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