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Mensaje  Carmen Fonseca Vie Dic 12, 2008 10:57 pm

Enter the forum on Saturday and Sunday and check your mail because I'll be sending you all the reports ready to be well and beautifully pronounced. They will be recorded next Wednesday in the afternoon. Come nicely dressed but not in green or blue. Remember we are special correspondents from Barcelona, for example. You don't need any disguise (or costume). You also need to find some images from youtube about the country you are informing about so while you report, some images will be seen in the background. You don't have to learn the report by heart, you will be reading it from the computer, so don't worry about that too much. I want you to read it nicely.

Could anybody help with the disguises for the different characters? They will be recorded next Tuesday. I'll be sending you the corrections shortly. Do a double check on Sat and Sunday. We can hire some costumes easily if we have to. Have a look of the photographs of the people and think about it. We need some make up too.
Good night

Carmen Fonseca

Cantidad de envíos : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2008

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